Monday, August 24, 2009

Lost Part 2

Here are some more photos from the Angel Island weekend that I promised.

Another group photo taken a break while waiting for more visitors.

WWI Calvary equipment. Minus the horse.

This is a photo of WWI Calvary uniform.

Close up of the gear I brought to the event.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lost on Angel Island

I have always had a affinity for history and stories that get lost in time. It has however been a bite hectic the last couple of months. I haven't had a chance to really go off and have a little fun, but that all changed over the weekend. I got a chance to go to Angel Island in the middle of San Francisco Bay for a two day event that highlighted the history of the military presents on the island between c. 1860~1945. Below are a small portion of the photos from over the weekend. I will put up more photos in the coming days.

The Electrical Sergeant getting ready to apply his trade.

My WWII tent and display.
Quarter Master's Warehouse at Camp Reynolds.

This was a really fun event. I got to meet some very interesting people over the course of the weekend and event got to sleep in the old Quarter Master's Warehouse. as the story goes, the building is haunted by someone who fell from an upper level through an open floor all the way to the bottom.